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Hey Ballroomers come and see if you have what it takes
Posted by Big-Sexy
11/11/2003  8:21:00 AM
Aight well since this is a ballroom dance site. I thought I mite mix things up a bit. Well for starters my real name is Houston Thompson of Cairo GA. Yeah it's a small town. But we have tons of dance backgrounds. I come from a company called the F.I.R.M., I now have enough skills that I have went off on my own as a Hip Hop Choregrapher. Plus I have three different levels of Hip Hop classes right here in Cairo. But I would like your opinions as dancers to tell me what you think it takes to be a true dancer. And I'll holla at ya'ch later
re: Hey Ballroomers come and see if you have what it takes
Posted by Aighty reader
11/18/2003  6:46:00 PM
Aight ? What a word is that ?

Originally posted by Bit-Uneasy:
Dude, you need first to go back to school and learn to spell!!!
re: Hey Ballroomers come and see if you have what it takes
Posted by BallroomA
12/15/2003  3:40:00 PM
K y'all I am new to this board and going through the post! I've been dancing my whole life...I just recently turned 18 and I am moving to Florida in Jan. to work at Disney for their entertaining.
Dancing is my life.....its like oxygen. To be a true dancer can mean many different things. There are some dancers I know who do love the dance and they have amazing technique but they lack the connection with their audience when dancing. I dance in order to spread my emotions to my audience; I think a true dancer is one that feels the emotions of the music. When they are dancing the emotions you feel from them...you can't look away...they draw you into the story.

Ok sorry for that being so long

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